ENGLISH — This group wants to start a discussion with Wirtland’s owners about the benefits of transforming Wirtland into a democracy. as an alternative to selling it (which has little chance of success). We can be a powerful force working for the good of humanity. This is more important than ever in a world where the foundations of even the most established democracies are being undermined. Such an transformation would open up the country to new funding possibilities from pro-democracy foundations, from crowdfunding, and many other sources. It would also give Wirtland leadership and citizens a boost in credibility. It would be seen as a noble decision by Wirtland’s owners, adding to their personal prestige and respect.
Español — Este grupo quiere iniciar una discusión con los propietarios de Wirtland sobre los beneficios de transformar Wirtland en una democracia. como alternativa a venderlo (que tiene pocas posibilidades de éxito). Podemos ser una fuerza poderosa que trabaje por el bien de la humanidad. Esto es más importante que nunca en un mundo en el que se están socavando los cimientos incluso de las democracias más establecidas. Tal transformación abriría el país a nuevas posibilidades de financiamiento de fundaciones prodemocracia, de crowdfunding y muchas otras fuentes. También le daría a los líderes y ciudadanos de Wirtland un impulso en credibilidad. Los propietarios de Wirtland lo considerarían una decisión noble, lo que aumentaría su prestigio y respeto personal.
Edw22 joined the group Wirtland for Wirtizens–a democratic revolution 3 years, 12 months ago
Valeriano Anibarro replied to the topic Who are Wirtland's leaders, and how can they be contacted? in the forum Wirtland for Wirtizens–a democratic revolution 4 years ago
I have no idea who they are, the leaders. I know that we have to get a citizenship request sent by the chancellor and if you search around the Internet, you can find a name.
Valeriano Anibarro joined the group Wirtland for Wirtizens–a democratic revolution 4 years ago
Stephen Reid started the topic Who are Wirtland's leaders, and how can they be contacted? in the forum Wirtland for Wirtizens–a democratic revolution 4 years, 1 month ago
Does anyone know who the leaders of Wirtland are, and how one might contact them. I found The place where someone is trying to sell Wirtland on E-bay, but I’m unsure if that person is Wirtland’s head of state or not. It will be hard to create a discussion with someone if I cannot invite them to the discussion.