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Frequently Asked Questions            Read also Witizens F.A.Q.



Do I have to move somewhere?

Is this recognized by the UN?

Are you offering passports or driver's licenses?

Are there taxes? If not, how can you afford to operate the government? How can Wirtland be sustainable?

Will Wirtland have its own currency?

Why do people join Wirtland?

Why is it called Wirtland?

What is the difference between Wirtland and “virtual worlds”?

Do I have to move somewhere?

No. Witizens physically remain in their home countries, their original citizenship and location is not changed. Wirtland only adds to your rights and benefits, it does not take anything away from you.

Is this recognized by the UN? 

To be recognized by UN, a country must possess land. However, many countries with large territories still are not recognized by UN. A UN's recognition is not an obligatory requirement for a country.  

      > read more about the legal status of Wirtland

Are you offering passports or driver's licenses? 

Yes, Wirtland offers identification cards and residence permits. Wirtland also accepts advance orders for passports. Driver's licenses are not offered - because they are not needed for internet traffic :-)

Are there taxes? If not, how can you afford to operate the government? How can Wirtland be sustainable? 

There are no taxes for individuals. A registration fee will be applicable if a business is registered in Wirtland. A fee or a tax will be charged if a company or an institution wants to associate itself with Wirtland. Additional income is generated through activities such as licensing and syndication; selling collectors' items (traditional country's essentials including postage stamps, coins, etc), objects of arts, gifts.

Will Wirtland have its own currency?

No, own currency is not necessary for operation of Wirtland. Though in 2009 Wirtland issued its own gold and silver coins (so-called "Wirtland Cranes"), they are not intended to become Wirtland's currency.

Why do people join Wirtland?

The primary reason is an alternative self-identification (as explained in the extract from Wirtland's Statute on main page). If you are satisfied with your country,  Wirtland is not for you. But there are many people who would prefer to call themselves Witizens rather then Americans, Albanians, or Angolans. You get a Wirtland's passport, you may even register marriage or other legal act.

There are many other reasons, which make Wirtland attractive. For instance, there are endless vacancies in Wirtland: you may become country's classical writer or best journalist, or top the nation's rock music charts. Wirtland is a new territory, an open land of opportunities.

Why is it called Wirtland?

The term “Wirtland” obviously comes from “virtual land”. It means literally that the country’s land (soil) is virtual. That is the correct understanding of Wirtland – a real country with real people, with the only thing virtual – the soil.  It is not correct to interpret Wirtland as an imaginary virtual world.

What is the difference between Wirtland and “virtual worlds”?

A “virtual world” is a computer-based simulated environment intended for its users to inhabit and interact via avatars. In such a world, everything is virtual. In Wirtland, only land is virtual. Citizens do not use avatars; they are engaged in real-world activities. They may influence real politics, set up organizations, earn money, find partners. Wirtland issues real documents, which can serve for identification. Sometimes “Wirtland” is perceived wrongly as one of virtual worlds. In fact, it is more correct to compare Wirtland to a small real self-proclaimed state. 

      > read more about the legal status of Wirtland

      > read also Witizens' F.A.Q.

F. A. Q.


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Witizens F.A.Q.

Wirtland has a separate F.A.Q for its citizens. Read it here.


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