Wirtland / Cris Luengo posted an update in the group Bitcoins and Blockchain in Wirtland 9 years ago
Thanks for raising the issue of bitcoins. Just as reminder, Wirtland’s citizens were among the earliest bitcoin enthusiasts. See, for example: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6OsRGTVwya0J:www.data321.net/89844dd4+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk, or https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=54653.0
Great, Cris! I hope it will be good idea to continue discussion here, on the new platform. And, by the way, would you be so kind to explain the current position of Wirtland administration to the subject?
Boris, Wirtland’s position is following:
Wirtland’s aim is to provide useful, real-life services to our citizens. One of most demanded services is banking and financial tools. We seek ways to introduce payment and basic banking services for our citizens. That’s why we have always been interested in bitcoins.
To sum it up: any service useful to our witizens is good for Wirtland, and wil will have our official support.